You should find out about the payment options that are available to you when you are signing up for a life insurance policy. There are many companies that offer customers the ability to pay monthly, annually or even bi-annually. You need to consider which option is best for you, and set up the payment plans accordingly.
When you are choosing life insurance, make sure you are only paying for what you need. Think about what your life insurance will need to cover. It may need to pay for the funeral, a mortgage, or college for kids. Or if you have a separate account for your children's college, you would not want to pay for that.
Life insurance is actually cheaper if you chose multiples of $250,000 in coverage. So, if you want $230,000 you will actually have to pay more then just rounding it up to $250,000. It is never a bad thing to save a little money, and you can use that savings for something else.
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