Monday, September 4, 2017

Life Insurance: What Do You Need?

It's difficult to say goodbye to your loved ones. It's even more difficult to grieve for your loss while simultaneously having to struggle to pay funeral costs and other costs associated with death. This is why it's so important to have a life insurance policy. Read this article and find out some great insurance-based info.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. The healthier you are the cheaper your life insurance will be as insurance providers assume that you will live longer. Remember, you will be expected to pay a high premium on a life insurance policy for anything that shortens your life expectancy, for example being overweight, smoking, taking certain medication, etc.

Although term life insurance covers you for only a specified period of time, it does have some benefits that may make it the right choice for you. Term life insurance is vastly cheaper than whole life insurance, costing hundreds of dollars a year rather than thousands. It is flexible in that you can choose to be covered for as few as 5 or as many as 30 years with coverage ranging from $100,000 to millions. For short term needs, such as children graduating from college or a mortgage being paid off, term life insurance is ideal, especially if whole life insurance is not in your budget.

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