To get a good life insurance rate, purchase life insurance while you're still young. Rates are lower the younger you are, and you can keep paying the same rate as time goes on. You may not need life insurance now, but you'll need it in the future. Being proactive about your life insurance will help you get a great policy for a low cost.
Before shopping for life insurance, put together a budget to project the amount of financial coverage you might need. Include your mortgage payoff, college costs for the kids, money to pay any other large debt obligations, funds to cover funeral and medical expenses and enough money to supplement your remaining spouse's retirement funds.
When considering purchasing life insurance, you must first understand your needs. You understand your financial situation better than anyone else, so do not let anyone convince you to purchase a policy you are not comfortable with purchasing. If you add your debt, estimated funeral costs, and 6-12 months of income replacement, then you can get an estimate of your insurance needs.
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